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  • Writer's pictureLena Grace

A New Journey

Photo Credits: Pearson College UWC

'Dreams do come true for those who dare to believe in themselves.'

- Bryant McGill

I’m still having a hard time processing everything.

To acknowledge that this, whatever it is, is real.

The past week has been a flurry of emotions. Dejection, hopelessness, a sense of failure - then hope, longing, desperation - finally disbelief, questioning, and a peaked excitement that has yet to fall, along with mixed feelings, both at leaving, and embarking on a whole new journey.

I have always been a dreamer, for as long as I can remember. I have dreamed of things that seem far-fetched, of reaching goals of the impossible, and I have received my fair share of criticism for being that illogical, unrealistic girl. Yet somehow I believe in my ability to dream, for I’d do anything to make those vivid imaginations in my mind a reality, and come to life in front of me.

Leaving during high school was never an option for me four years ago. Had you proposed the idea then, I’d have scoffed and turned around, a secret smile on my face. But over the course of the past few years, I’ve learnt to understand who I am, and what is or isn’t right for me. And I just know that there is something so much better, so much transformative that is out there lying in my path.

So. On the 29th of August, 2018, a new leaf will be turned in my book, and I’ll be embarking on a whole new journey, on that may as well change my life, and who I am forever. I’ll be finishing the last two years of my high school education 6400 miles away at Pearson College UWC, Canada, the place where I’ve dreamed of being at for as long as I can remember. It took a long journey, with shaking hands, nervousness, tears and a whole load of determination to get to where I am today. But all of that was worth it - for it’s about to start me on an adventure that’ll last a lifetime.

(any co-years or second-years from pearson or fellow to be UWC-ers that are about to embark on this journey? Drop me a comment or email I'd love to get to know you guys!)

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